We capped off another fantastic year in the Star City Brewers Guild at Chaos Mountain Brewing with 40 members, 4 guests and two kids for a total of 46 fine folks. The membership toll includes four new members – say “hi!” to Stephen Parshall (and his wife Barbara, who wasn’t present), Phil & Lynda Sawyer, and …
Category: 2015 Meeting Notes
November 2015 Meeting – Notes
Apologies once again for a late recap – I had too much cooking, eating and football watching this past week to worry about getting this out… Twenty three members, one guest and two kids gathered together at Justin & Carrie’s house in Salem for the November meeting of the Star City Brewers Guild. Thanks to Justin …
October 2015 Meeting – Notes
15 members showed up to share beer, chili and companionship on a damp October day in Salem, Virginia. Thanks to Peter and Janelle for opening up their house to us!
September 2015 Meeting – Notes
On a lovely late summer day, we had an action-filled meeting and then we all went to Big Lick for their anniversary party. A very good day! We had twenty three members, three new members (Peter G.; Matt & Rachael), four guests (Jason Horn, Rudy’s friend, John; Jim D’s friend, Allen; and Bailie’s mother), and four …
August 2015 Meeting – Notes
On a hot & sunny August day, we had a great, albeit, limited meeting at Scott & Martha’s lovely house in Bonsack. We had fifteen “old” members and three “newly minted” members (Gene, Bud & Joan), along with five guests (Matt, Rachael, Peter, Manoj, and Kelsey), and one baby (Mabel), for a total of twenty four people.
July 2015 Meeting – Notes
As is our tradition, I opened up my house and my pool for the July meeting. Being egocentric, I welcomed a large round of applause on my behalf. It felt good… 25 members, four ex-members, and two kids made it out to Troutville on a hot and muggy Virginia summer day. Our ex-members included ex-President …
Big Brew/May 2015 Meeting Notes
Once again, James and Joan opened up their lovely house and lovely yard for our annual Big Brew event (with a little meeting thrown in).
February 2015 Meeting – Notes
Kevin and Bailie foolishly invited the club to meet in their lovely home in Salem. And we showed up in force! We had 33 members, 7 guests, and 1 new member, Robb Burden. (And three kids….)
January 2015 Meeting – Notes
Blue Ridge Hydroponics and Homebrewing welcomed us into their establishment for fantastic meeting. Perhaps the best meeting of 2015 to date! Certainly the most productive meeting of 2015 so far! We had 28 members, 1 guest, and 5 new members attend for a total of 43 people. (I may be missing a guest or two…) …