A few people took advantage of the pool to stay cool, the Bradley girls took advantage of my good nature to beat me up, and several of us took advantage of the multitude of beers to drink late into the evening. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I was useless the next day. No regrets, though…
- August – Scott & Martha A. (Belgian Dark Strong Ale presentation)
- September 19th – Jeff & Debbie D. (Scottish Heavy competition)
- October – Host needed!
- November (21st?) – Justin & Carrie
- Belgian Dark Strong Ale presentation – we agreed to move the presentation to the August meeting, as this beer takes longer to age. Somehow I agreed to give the presentation.
- Beertopia – June 20th
- Summary: The event was held on the area around the concourse of the Salem Red Sox. The event began with a good sized crowd enjoying a fair presentation of beers and ciders from over 30 breweries. A quick storm and a bit wind prompted a hurried departure of the skittish but for those who remained, once it cleared there were no lines and plenty of beer to sample including a seemingly large number of heavy and dark ones.
- Microfestivus – August 8th
- Update: Harry M. has sent an email listing those who have volunteered. Remember: Set-up begins at 8:00. All other volunteers need to check-in with Harry at the Bullit Ave. entrance (not the Festival volunteer line) at 11:30. Updates and confirmation will come from Harry as the festival date approaches.
- Club tent – Volunteers are needed to represent the club at the SCBG tent….especially during the beginning hours while so many members will be judging.
- Star City Homebrew Throwdown – November 14th
- Status update: Our first BJCP sanctioned competition! This will be open to all homebrewed beer made by those who are of legal age. Any category except meads or ciders will be accepted. Members may enter beer and also volunteer to work at the competition. Entry will be through an on-line registration which we hope to have up by 8 August. Fee is $7 per entry. We are limiting the competition to 75 entries. Entered beers will not need to be delivered until mid-October or early November.Judging will take place all day on 14 November at Chaos Mountain Brewing. We hope to have a good turn-out for the evening awards ceremony to help show our appreciation to Chaos for their support of the competition.More information will follow once we have confirmation of the details.
- Enter the BREWniverse – September 26th
- Overview: Beer tasting/demonstration at the Science Festival. Money raised to support the Science Museum of Western Virginia. More details after meeting with Science Museum board and other interested parties next week. We need volunteers to brew beer for sampling – especially in kegs!
- Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day – November 7th
- We are looking into the possiblity of having this at the Brew HaHa at the Salem Civic Center. More details as we work them out.
- Summer campout – Alex B. and Dan T. will explore possibility of doing this at Wild Man Dan’s B&B camping area. Possibly shifted to the fall if football schedules will allow!!
- MASHOUT – August 21-23
- Details: This is a monster multi-homebrew-club campout! The Mid-Atlantic States Homebrew Campout will be held August 21-23 at Organarchy Hop Farm in Old Town, MD. Visit https://campmashout.com/ for more information.
- Open floor (local beer/brewery updates, brewing tips/questions, etc.)
National Homebrewers Conference and Competition was held in San Diego this past June 2015 — Some 2,700 homebrewers and beer enthusiasts gathered for the 37th annual American Homebrewers Association (AHA) National Homebrewers Conference. A confluence of incredible beer, creativity and community, the conference culminates with the world’s largest beer competition: the AHA National Homebrew Competition. The NHC will be in Baltimore, MD June 9-11 2016! Mark your calendars! http://www.ahaconference.org/We will probably participate in the NHC along with the rest of the Virginia Old Dominion HomeBrewers Guild.
On a recent visit to Flying Dog Brewery, Thom and Jeanie were dismayed to discover that no one under the age of 21 is allowed entrance even when accompanied by parents. However, their experience at Kennett Brewing Company which opened on Sunday June 21st was much more positive and enjoyable! For more specifics of the brewery go to http://kennettbrewingcompany.com/ or 109 South Broad St. Kennett Square, PA 19348
- $42 goes to Alex B.!
- Scottish Heavy (14B) September Club Competition – Remember we are now using the 2015 BJCP Style Guides!