Another thank you is in order to Harry for hosting the meeting on short notice. Thank you Harry! Let’s also not forget to thank Kathy and her team of stewards and judges. Without her help I have no clue how we would pull off our quarterly competitions. The meeting was attended by 21 members, 2 guests and 2 children for a total of 25.
Meeting notes:
- Next meeting on Sunday October 22nd will coincide with our 20th celebration at Big Lick’s new West Station location. We’ll try to keep meeting formalities to a minimum.
- Treasurer’s report-(Diane L)
- Bank balance was reported as $4113.14.
- Go Outside festival (10/13-15) update-(Takumi S)
- Need volunteers to brew and pour. Also need sample beer donations-kegs preferred.
- Non-kegged beer can be taken into event for tasting but ONLY before the gates open. We need someone to coordinate this if we don’t generate enough kegged beer donations?
- Beer brewed will be served at LTHB three weeks after (11/4).
- Southern Hills and Blue Ridge Hydroponics are supplying kits. Southern Hills will also raffle off a starter kit with proceeds going to the AT conservancy.
- Please indicate how you are able to help by filling out Takumi’s google sheet.
- Learn to Homebrew Day, Saturday 11/4-(Doug B)
- Need to start planning and recruiting resources
- Kit beer brewed at Go Fest will be served.
- SCBG 20th Anniversary planning update (Carrie C)
- Event will be Sunday October 22 starting at noon at the NEW BLBC. Food catered by Twisted Tail BBQ.
- We will setup Big Willie so please consider bringing corny kegs (ball or pin).
- Invitations have been sent to members as well as pro brewers that are/were members and past presidents. We’ve been planning based on a headcount of 75.
- Commemorative Silipints have been ordered and will be sold at event.
- Throwdown update & planning (Kathy M & Jason C)
- Team Grovel (Rudy, Dan & Doug) busy gathering gifts from suppliers.
- Team Judge (Matt K)
- We need assistance from people willing to judge. Matt passed around a sign-up sheet.
- Open floor
- Kevin gave a detailed summary of where we stand with respect to the BJCP exam.
- There is an online exam ($10 per try or 3 for $20) which you must take and pass to be eligible for the tasting exam in January. Tentative date is Saturday January 13th.
- Kevin will need $40 from each member taking the exam by sometime in December. If you haven’t passed the online portion, your seat will be forfeited and your money refunded if we can find someone else to fill your seat. Ballast Point has expressed interest in using some or all of our unused reservations.
- The guild will refund $50 to any member following through with both exams.
- Competition results and gift-card awards (Kathy M)
- Thanks a bunch to Kathy and everyone that helped steward and judge.
- Kathy and I would like to see more involvement in this process, especially from members that routinely enter internal competitions. Judging or stewarding at our level is an excellent way to “break the ice” and become familiar with the BJCP judging process. Kathy will blend experienced judges with newbies to enhance learning.
- Blue Ridge Hydroponics AND Southern Hills gift cards were won by Kevin C as entrant and judge…this must be rigged?
- Brett Beer results:
- Jason C-first place
- Kevin C-second place
- Rudy L-third place
- 50/50 drawing-(Harry M)
- $32.50 to Mike C and the Guild. Thanks Harry for doing your 50/50 thing.
- Kevin gave a detailed summary of where we stand with respect to the BJCP exam.