March 2017 meeting notes

Thanks to all who helped make our March 18 meeting and American Porter competition a success. Also, thanks to our hosts, James and Joan, who shared their wonderful home. Personally, I am always in awe of James’ woodworking skills and talent. And, as always, thanks to Kathy M for coordinating the competition!


Our meeting was attended by 40 people including one child. We welcomed a few new members that attended and lok forward to meeting a few that were unable to attend. Welcome aboard Ian McElhone, Chris Gray, Ross Agee, Robert Roux and David Wheeler. Also, thanks to Ian and Chris for rolling up their sleeves and taking on some club duties right out of the gate.


Our next meeting will be held at Hammer & Forge on Sunday April 23 beginning at 3PM.


  • Treasurer’s report-(Diane L)
    • Harry filled in and reported a balance of $4475.90 as of 3/18.
  • Belgian Dubbel presentation volunteer for April (Hammer & Forge)
    • Chris Gray offered to present the Belgian Dubbel style at our April meeting.
  • Go Outside festival update-(Takumi S).
    • Takumi advised-I have applied for the 10’X20’ space. I have also initiated a conversation with the festival organizers regarding our request to serve beer. At the moment, they are researching on their end.
  • Allen Francis & team: SCBG branding & communication project discussion & update.
    • Branding meeting held at Big Lick to look over some VT student proposals.
    • Rudy L will ask Chuck G to setup a “test” forum. This was a decision from last month but never took place. It will be tested with conversation related to, but not limited to Tech Talk.
    • Between a new club flyer and Doug B’s need for materials to be used for Teach a Friend and Learn to Homebrew PR, it’s time we kicked something off (see Teach a Friend agenda item).
  • Teach a Friend & Learn to Homebrew-(Doug B)
    • Doug B outlined his thoughts for the two events. He is seeking volunteers to assist with the many aspects of assisting at the SH and BRH locations.
    • Chris S offered to assist Doug with advertising graphics.
    • Doug setup a new email address to consolidate communication (
    • Handout is attached.
  • SCBG 20th Anniversary planning update-(Doug M).
    • Nothing new to report. Doug was speechless!
  • Tech Talk meetings as separate gatherings
    • Foam (Thom date TBD)
    • Water (Rudy date TBD)
    • Other topics ?
  • Yeast experiment w/Chaos-(Kevin C)
    • Kevin advised we have enough interest for the Chaos brew. It needs to be scheduled. He also indicated Hammer & Forge would like to be involved in a similar, albeit smaller, project. Maybe with a different process?
    • There was agreement that have an informal & fun competition with brew made from the Chaos wort. Maybe during our October meeting at Big Lick?
  • Expanded and/or new BOTY thoughts?
    • Not much, okay any, interest in tweaking or adding a new form of recognition.
    • Please visit for an example of how this club handles BOTY. Since we have a long tradition of BOTY as is, please consider the Colonial Ale Smiths process as a means through which we can develop another form of recognition. Food for thought.
  • Open floor.
    • As I recall, Justin asked about keeping the lids on Big Mouth Bubblers. Midwest suggests bricks or other heavy objects.
    • Beth Durham asked about yahoo group some email issues and that discussion led to a suggestion that we create a club directory. My suggestion is we load the directory (email and phone only) to our Yahoo group. I’ll send a note out to see who may want to opt out.
  • 50/50 drawing-(Harry M).
    • The 50/50 winnings went to Darin P. He and the club split $87.
  • American Porter competition results and gift card drawings.
    • First place Kevin Campbell
    • Second place John Berg
    • Third place Robert Roux (new member)
    • Congratulations Brewers!
    • Jeff D and John M each received gift cards from our wonderful LHB shops. Thanks to Southern Hills and Blue Ridge Hydroponic for your support.


Rudy Lyon