Thank you to James and Joan Brown for hosting. We had 18 members and guests in attendance.
July’s meeting will be held at the home of Christopher Urbane on Saturday July 10th.
- Financials – Harry Montoro documented our financial situation with the following information:
- We have $7,975.04 in our bank account
- We have 103 paid members
- There was very little spending by the club in 2020
- A motion was made to proceed in 2021 with the already approved 2020 budget. The motion carried and was passed by the members in attendance.
- Local Events:
- Microfestivus – Their website mentions a 2021 event, but the links to it do not work and there has not really been any information about it happening this year
- Highland Games – No new information about whether or not it will be occurring this year
- Learn to Homebrew Day – This event will be happening on Saturday November 6th at Southern Hills Homebrew Supply
- Star City Homebrew Throwdown – Without a coordinator we will most likely need to cancel this year’s Throwdown
- HomebrewCon 2022 – Taking place in Pittsburgh, PA in June 2022. Chris Stevens will coordinate our club presence and also the refurbishment of our club display.
- SCBG 25th Anniversary – October(?) 2022. This event will require a coordinator.
- Competition Update – Steve Lusk
- The Dominion Cup will be happening this year in August or September. Steve has offered to drive entries to Richmond.
- If you plan on shipping entries to a beer competition, UPS is the best choice. Make sure you pack your own box.
- Low ABV Beer/Yeast Update
- Rudy Lyons brough a sample of a beer produced using the Low ABV yeast. He still has yeast samples available for those interested in trying it.
- Members that have brewed with he Low ABV yeast will be holding a “competition” next month.
- There was no 50/50 raffle.
- Congratulations to the winner(s).
- Quarterly Competitions to return!
- Mike Usberghi has offered to coordinate this endeavor.
- July – Presentation of style for September competition
- October – Presentation of Style for December competition
- Club Coordinators/Volunteers
- Community Service Coordinator – Allen Francis
- Newsletter – Steve Lusk, Chris Gray, Chris Rill
- Microfestivus – Historically this was Harry Montoro, but this year we may not need one
- Throwdown – Plan for 2022
- Virtual Pub Night – Rotating
- Brewing Workshops and Tech Tips – Robb Burden and Rudy Lyon
- Video Channel – Allen Francis, Chris Gray, Robert Hedge
- Open Floor:
- John Thompson suggested organizing club members for participating in local brewery Trivia Nights and “Pack The Pub” nights
- James Brown proposed purchasing a new pop-up tent for the club’s use. This expenditure ($115) was already approved in 2020 but has not been acted upon yet.
- Wort Share – A wort share program like we have done in the past was proposed and Rudy Lyon on behalf of Twisted Tracks expressed interest. More info to follow.
- Frankenyeast. It’s still coming, I promise.
- Off Flavor Kits were brought up and money has been budgeted for their purchase, but no discussion was actually had.