* Thanks to Chaos Mountain Brewing For Hosting!
Also thank you to everyone who attended!
- Next Meeting: Southern Hills Homebrew
- SUNDAY – JAN 19 (3 PM to 6 PM)
- 2020 Meeting Locations:
Who wants to host??
- Ken & Jen SK – May
- Adam K – June
- Harry – September
- Justin & Carrie – October
- Treasurer’s Report–
Mike U.
- 120 Members
- $6502.09
- 2020 Club Competition Beer Styles –
- 15C Irish Extra Stout – March
- 10A German Weissbier – June
- 14B Scotch Heavy – September
- 17C Wee Heavy – December
- We are looking for volunteers to do the style presentations. Any takers?
- Throwdown
2020 – (Ken S-K)
- Officially scheduled March 20 and March 21
- Thursday at Barrel Chest 5:30PM first organizational meeting – all welcome
- Need members for SWAG team especially (begging for free stuff)
- Need volunteers to pull this off, so please reach out to Ken to volunteer
- Competition
Updates (Steve Lusk)
- Website has been updated
- Spring competitions coming up quickly (including Throwdown, wink wink)
- Steve volunteering to keep track of points for BJCP competitions
- Proposed Bylaws Amendment: Competition Rules and Scoring (discussion – not voting)
- Brewer of the year proposed changes, could go the whole year with no medals and still be brewer of the year.
- Possibly change this to member of the year to recognize those who may do things for the club other than just brew beer.
- Allen proposed doing Member of the Quarter
- We’ll coordinate via email, present final amendment to bylaws January meeting, Vote in February
- No opposition to multiple awards
- 2020 Officers Election Results
- VP: Adam Kendall
- President: Chris Gray
- Board will remain the same: Rudy, Allen, Harry
- Treasurer: Mike U.
- Q4
Competition Results: 26D Belgian Dark Strong
- 13 beers entered
- Judging Drawing Prize: Matt Klumpp ($40 gift card SHHS)
- Brewer Drawing Prize: John Merkwan ($40 gift card SHHS)
- 3rd: Mike C.
- 2nd: Jen & Ken S-K
- 1st: Scott S.
- Brewer
of the Year
- 153 Points, Rudy Lyon
- 151 Points, Ken & Jen SK
- 50/50
- $69 to club / $70 to winner – Ian M
- StarSan consolation – Jim N.
- 20$ GC to Craft Beer & Brewing Mag – Scott S
- Open Floor (Nothing brought up)
- Dirty Santa Exchange
- Total Attendance: 50 +/-