April 2024 Meeting Notes

Star City Brewers Guild
April 2024 Meeting
Sunday 4/14
Home of James and Joan


  • Thank you James and Joan for hosting!
  • Financial report
    • $8057.83 in the bank
  • Upcoming Events
    • Big Brew Day 5/4
      • Need ABC banquet license, brewers, homebrew, sample servers
      • Chili cook off
      • The distillery will be having a Cuban themed event with cigars, music and maybe virtual golf
    • Learn to Homebrew Day 11/2
  • 50/50 ($57)
    • Eric Shelton won $28.50
  • Open Floor
  • John Merkwan gave a style presentation for the Q2 Competition beer (14B Scottish Heavy)
    • $36.68 was spent on samples

Attendance: 16