SCBG May Meeting II Notes – May 16, 2021
First, thank you to Robert and Vanessa Hedge for hosting the meeting. We had 17 people in attendance, including some new members and visitors, and a good time was had by all.
- Big Brew Re-Cap.
- Thank you to everyone that showed up to brew for Big Brew and everyone that attended the mini-meeting post Big Brew. Tim Paul and Amanda Fralin, Keith Fields, and Steve Lusk all put on brewing demonstrations.
- HomebrewCon 2021 & 2022.
- This year’s HomebrewCon will be held virtually just as last year’s was.
- Next year’s HomebrewCon will be held June 23rd through June 25th in Pittsburgh, PA.
- It would be great to have a large Guild presence at this event just like we did in 2016 when it was held in Baltimore.
- There was discussion about cleaning up/rehabbing our Baltimore club display to re-use it in Pittsburgh for Club Night. You must be a member of the AHA to attend HomebrewCon.
- June Meeting.
- Our June meeting will be held on Saturday June 19th at James and Joan Brown’s home.
- During the meeting it was announced that the next meeting would be held on June 20th, but James noticed that the 20th was Father’s Day and we decided that the 19th would be a better date.
- Meeting Openings.
- Christopher Urbane has offered to host our July meeting on Saturday July 10th.
- This leaves August open for someone to host.
- Community Events/Member of the Year.
- We discussed outreach and volunteering opportunities in the area to help engage with our local community and spread the word about the Guild.
- We need a volunteer to lead this effort.
- Guild members would be able to earn “points” towards the Member of the Year award through service hours with local organizations.
- During the meeting we voted “Yes” on proceeding with this effort.
- We discussed outreach and volunteering opportunities in the area to help engage with our local community and spread the word about the Guild.
- During the meeting we described our past role in Microfestivus for our new members.
- Set up, judging, pouring, cleanup, etc.
- We have no new information regarding this year’s Microfestivus as yet, but Guild members in attendance indicated that they would like to continue our involvement with Microfestivus when it next occurs.
- Star City Throwdown.
- We are still in need of a coordinator for the Star City Throwdown.
- If you are interested in leading this effort, please contact me.
- During the first May meeting at Big Brew, Doug Moyer reminded us that next year is the Guild’s 25th anniversary.
- We need a volunteer to lead the effort in planning for an anniversary party fitting to the occasion.
- Member Dues.
- We discussed member dues in relation to the last year’s happenings.
- If you were a fully paid member in 2020, then your dues carry over to 2021.
- New members are still required to pay dues when signing up.
- New(ish) Members and visitors in attendance – Matt Thompson, Keith Fields, and John Thompson (no relation?).
- Newsletter.
- Steve Lusk is spearheading an effort to create a monthly newsletter for the Guild.
- If you are interested in participating, please contact Steve.
- Video Channel/Instructional Series.
- Utilizing our already existing YouTube Channel – SCBG Films: Allen Francis, Robert Hedge, and Chris Gray have volunteered to lead an effort to produce branded content for public consumption on various homebrewing topics. Thank you!
- If you have an idea for a video that you would like to see, please contact one of those members.
- Virtual Pub Nights.
- It was decided that even though we are able to get together now, it would be nice to continue the Virtual Pub Night events once every one or two weeks.
- This is a great opportunity for members to be able to come together during the week.
- Speaking of Videos and Virtual Pub Night, the members in attendance voted “Yes” to spending $150/year for a Zoom Pro license so that we can host video conferences such as Virtual Pub Night and other virtual get togethers throughout the year.
- Brewing Workshops & Tech Tips.
- Now that we are able to all get together again, we would like to start hosting regular learning workshops. The classroom at Southern Hills Homebrew Supply is available for these events.
- If anyone has other ideas for hosting locations, please feel free to speak up with the group.
- If you have ideas or topics for workshops, please reach out to the group or contact Robb Burden or Chris Stevens.
- Open Floor Items
- Group Work Shirt Buy. It has been some time since our last work shirt/T-shirt order. Robert Hedge has volunteered to coordinate a new group buy. It was recommended that we continue our relationship with Spartan Silk Screen in Salem for purchasing the new shirts. Please contact Robert Hedge for more information.
- Low ABV beer. Rudy Lyon discussed a new yeast available for creating low ABV beers. If you would like to experiment with this yeast and develop a recipe, please contact Rudy. This is an effort in conjunction with Twisted Track Brewpub. TTB will be hosting a competition to create the best recipe. The winner will receive a gift card to Twisted Track and get to brew with Will Landry.
- Matt Thompson works for Novozymes and has connections with several master brewers and scientists. They may be great resources for future learning events.
- Frankenyeast will return…soon.