Star City Brewers Guild
July 2023 Meeting Notes
Sunday 7/30
Home of Pete Heyroth
- Thank you Susan and Pete for hosting!
- Future meeting host volunteers (Need location ideas for December)
- August 20th – James and Joan
- September – Harry Montoro
- October – John and Kathy
- November – Southern Hills Homebrew Supply
- Financial Report
- $7787.42 in the bank
- Income 7/30/23
- $40 50/50
- $40 Dues
- $15 Guild Hat
- Expenses 7/30/23
- $26.31 Q3 Competition Style Examples
- Upcoming Events
- September 2023 – Q3 21A American IPA Competition
- October 2023 – Q4 10C Weizenbock Style Presentation
- November 4, 2023 – Learn to Homebrew Day
- Need brewers, beer donors, ABC license, food etc
- December 2023 – Christmas Party and Q4 10C Weizenbock Competition
- Feeding Southwest VA
- Keith will reach out to Randy to see if there are available events with at least 2 weeks notice
- 50/50
- John Thompson won $40
- Open Floor
- John Thompson brought up an idea for a brew experiment where multiple beers are brewed with identical SMASH recipes except for the base malt. The purpose will be to determine the difference in premium , standard and extracts of the same grain family. A proposal to be presented by John at the August meeting.
- Harry has offered for BLBC to donate some items in support of the base grain SMASH comparison brew. Potentially yeast, hops and base grain.
- We discussed the Guild covering the ingredient costs for members that participate not exceeding $400 total.
- It was also discussed that all participants supply the beers brewed to the Learn to Homebrew Day event in November.
- Homebrew Swap Meet
- Date TBD but there appears to be some interest
- John Thompson brought up an idea for a brew experiment where multiple beers are brewed with identical SMASH recipes except for the base malt. The purpose will be to determine the difference in premium , standard and extracts of the same grain family. A proposal to be presented by John at the August meeting.
- Q3 21A American IPA Style Presentation
- John Thompson gave a style presentation with two commercial examples
- Bells Two Hearted
- Alpine Duet
- John Thompson gave a style presentation with two commercial examples
Attendance: 12