March 2014 Meeting Notes

General Business
Thanks to Thom and Jeannie for opening up their house to such a crowd on a drizzly March day. (At least the snow and wind waited until I was brewing on Sunday…)
Attendance included 38 members, seven guests and eight kids for a grand total of 53 humans. John Davis is a brand new member! Guests included Thom’s parents, Bill & Terry; future member and Roanoke Railhouse brewer, Jeff B.; replacements for Kimberly & Rob, Bronson & Emily (and her two kids); and Buren’s coworker and his wife, Jesse & Nancy.
Treasurer’s report: Mike U. $1754 in fund, 59 members
Future meetings:
  • April – Kim & Rob
  • May 3 – James and Joan B. (Big Brew)
  • June – Kim and Lizbeth (Belgian Golden Strong ale competition)
  • July – Doug and Kel M. (Oatmeal Stout presentation)
  • August – Dan & Terri
  • Thanks and appreciation was given to the external competition budget committee for putting together a detailed budget for all the bits and pieces necessary to run a BJCP-sponsored competition. This effort made us aware that it would take $200 – $300 (above and beyond entry fees) to run the competition, which forced me to look at the club’s overall budget. Once I started focusing on the club’s annual budget, I forgot to thank the external competition committee for all of their work. Thanks to Kathy, Carrie, Kevin, Chris B. & Dan!
  • Teach A Friend, Spring Edition will be on May 17th (Saturday) at Blue Ridge Hydroponics & Homebrew Supplies in conjunction with American Craft Beer Week.
  • Local brewery of the year (voting problems) – it seems that many members cannot access their Yahoo account to vote. Only 9 people voted. I will send out a separate email about this to ask people (that haven’t voted already) to vote on their favorite Parkway beer. We will look into other methods of voting for upcoming polls.
  • Fund raising
    • Raffles were suggested. Possibilities include:
      • 50/50 raffle
      • Provide certificates instead of cash (Roanoke Railhouse may contribute)
      • Provide a “brew with the brewer” session at local breweries
      • Can we get brewing/beer related items (artwork/clothing/utensils) donated?
    • Shirts – T-shirts (especially a “feminine” style) drew a lot of interest. Carrie had some ideas and I will ask for volunteers to help come up with new designs.
    • Glassware – Aluminum pint “glasses” seemed popular – Carrie will look into getting a batch
    • Growlers – Not much interest from the club. Thom reported that we need a pallet of 250-300 to get a significant discount.
  • Group brew with a local brewery – We discussed the previous “Yeast experiment” – as interesting as it was, we weren’t able to document it in such a way as to get funding from AHA. There seemed to be enough interest in doing another group brew – either with Soaring Ridge (previously Big Daddy’s) or perhaps on the Chaos Mountain pilot system. First we will see if the breweries are interested, then we will form a committee to set up the parameters to record and the objectives so that we can get AHA compensation
  • Open floor (local beer/brewery updates, brewing tips/questions, etc.)
    • Big Lick Brewery – Bryan: Open middle of June due to equipment problems
    • Rare Beer fest – VIP tickets got you in 1 hour earlier and provided food. 1/2 the breweries had 2 beers brewed just for the event. 14 breweries participated. RR did not because they were told you had to have 3 special beers. Overall, the attendees felt it was worth the money.
Irish Red Ale Competition Results and Gift Certificate Drawing
14 entries
  • 3rd place: Justin & Carrie
  • 2nd place: Bryan
  • 1st place: Dan
Gift Certificates:
  • Competition entrants: BRH Certificate $40 – Todd
  • Judges/stewards: Mr. Bills Certificate $15 – Harry
  • Judges/stewards: Mr. Bills Certificate $15 – Doug M.