Star City Brewers Guild
April 2022 Meeting Notes
Monday April 18th at 8:00PM
Twisted Track Brewpub
- Thank you to Rudy Lyon for hosting
- Q2 Style Presentation (19A American Amber Ale)
- Steve Lusk gave an excellent presentation and brought 3 commercial examples
- Future months hosts
- May 7th – Big Brew Day @ Southern Hills Homebrew Supply
- June – Robert Hedge’s house
- July – Chris Urbane’s house
- August – Pete Heyroth’s lake house
- Guild financial report
- $8434.64 in the bank
- 56 Paid Members / 100+ members in Google Group
- Reminder to encourage members to pay their dues
- Eventually we will need to drop unpaid member addresses from the Google Group
- -$30.00 for Q2 style presentation commercial examples
- +$20.00 50/50
- 50/50
- Mike Usberghi – Winner
- John Merkwan – Consolation prize of excess style presentation beers
- Upcoming Events
- Big Brew – May 7, 2022 ~10AM-4PM
- There is a need for volunteers to brew, donate homebrew (Kegs, bottles, growlers etc), pour, setup/take down and get an ABC license
- Q2 Competition American Amber Ale (19A) – June
- Microfestivus 2022
- Harry Montoro is still investigating if the festival will occur this year
- Blacksburg Brew Do – October
- 25th Anniversary Event
- Harry Montoro is still investigating promotional publicity for the 35 th Anniversary.
- Targeting celebration event to Sunday October 9th which is the actual anniversary date of the first meeting of SCBG.
- Researching the first competition beer style brewed by members and there is interest in asking local breweries with ties to SCBG to brew that style as a tribute to SCBG. A portion of the proceeds to go to charitable causes. Reach out to Harry Montoro with any ideas
- Big Brew – May 7, 2022 ~10AM-4PM
- Open Floor
- Chris Stevens wanted all members to know that Big Lick Brewing Company will be at the Blues, Brews and BBQ festival Sunday May 1st . The festival is at the Boar’s Head Resort from 11AM – 4PM
- Keith Fields has sent a request to Feeding Southwest VA to find an available slot for SCBG to reserve for a food kitting event. Followup for volunteers will occur once a potential date/s is available.
- Meeting adjourned 8:35PM
Duration: 35 min
Attendance: 15