On a lovely late summer day, we had an action-filled meeting and then we all went to Big Lick for their anniversary party. A very good day! We had twenty three members, three new members (Peter G.; Matt & Rachael), four guests (Jason Horn, Rudy’s friend, John; Jim D’s friend, Allen; and Bailie’s mother), and four …
September 2015 archive
August 2015 Meeting – Notes
On a hot & sunny August day, we had a great, albeit, limited meeting at Scott & Martha’s lovely house in Bonsack. We had fifteen “old” members and three “newly minted” members (Gene, Bud & Joan), along with five guests (Matt, Rachael, Peter, Manoj, and Kelsey), and one baby (Mabel), for a total of twenty four people.
July 2015 Meeting – Notes
As is our tradition, I opened up my house and my pool for the July meeting. Being egocentric, I welcomed a large round of applause on my behalf. It felt good… 25 members, four ex-members, and two kids made it out to Troutville on a hot and muggy Virginia summer day. Our ex-members included ex-President …