January 2019 meeting notes
- Dunkel (10B) presentation by Rudy and Adam
- 3 commercial examples presented
- Ayinger – Kloster Andechs – Weihenstephaner & 1 home brewed example presented
- The presentation included historical info and example recipe info. These docs were emailed out to the Yahoo email list and will be posted on the FB group page.
- Great job Rudy and Adam on the presentation!!
- Thanks to Blue Ridge Hydroponics for hosting January meeting
- New ownership since April – Tommy and Jeremy
- February meeting on Sat 16th 3:00 PM at Rudy and Diane’s House
- John M. will present Belgian Dark Strong Ale
- Treasurer Report: $5,052.76 as of Jan 18
- If you haven’t yet paid membership dues, or are interested in BYO magazine
- PayPal gift to president@starcitybrewers.org
- 15$ for BYO subscription
- 53 paid members as of meeting today.
- Welcome David Hines as newest member
- Potluck Food Reminder: Please make an effort to bring food to meetings.
- Many long time members bring food consistently to most meetings. Please make an effort to bring something. Store bought items are just fine and home cooked is even better.
- Beer Gift for Host
- Harry points out that bringing small gift for the host is also appreciated.
- 2019 Budget Presentation
- Harry notes that the board tries to stick to around same budget each year.
- Will be a loss shown in projections due to conservative estimates on income.
- Newest expense affecting budget is EZ-UP tent purchase and increased training.
- Carrie brings up point that board meetings should be posted for members.
- Harry calls for vote to accept budget – passes by verbal vote.
- Throwdown Updates
- 50 entries so far, cap is 125
- Need help with Judging volunteers.
- Total of around 3000$ donated swag for giving away to participants.
- YCH hops, Micromatic key equipment notable sponsors.
- Robb suggests reaching out to Jaded wort chillers.
- Reminder location is Big Lick March 22/23
- Three judging sessions, Friday evening, Sat morn, Sat afternoon
- *We still need more volunteer judges and stewards. Please contact Matt Klump.
- Due to Throwdown, March meeting will be March 9
- Working with local breweries to brew winning beers
- Have posters available if you want to volunteer to post at breweries, etc
- Competition Updates
- Steve Lusk in process of getting competition news on website
- Reminder that National Homebrew competition entry is opening soon
- War of the Worts entries open today through Feb 10
- Steve still trying to coordinate with VA state fair on Homebrew competition
- To find competitions look here: AHA Competition Page
- Big Lick – Offer to can your own homebrew
- Will need to bring your own cans and bottling wand/beer gun
- Allen willing to coordinate on group buy on cans, email
- Big Lick may be able to coordinate through Harry for large enough purchase
- Mario brings up possibility of doing barrel project with members
- Have had some in the past, really up to members to coordinate
- Industry Night at Southern Hills
- Taproom staff, brewers, SCBG members – about 40 people
- Idea is to have this maybe 3 times a year, will probably be on Sundays since that’s when taproom staff have off.
- Gina from Deschutes major contributor and organizer
- Women’s brew night 3rd Thursday of every month at Southern Hills
- Women’s Brew Day on March 9 will be for the International Women’s Brew Event on March 8
- Open to having anyone give talks or donate beer for tasting.
- Mario brings up doing Highland Games, and where are we for doing events for outreach
- Come forward if you are willing to organize an event and club officers will try to help coordinate
- Rudy reminds folks that membership isn’t only level of success
- Nothing stopping club members from gathering and promoting on their own
- National Homebrew Con is on the east coast this year.
- Providence, RI. June 27-29 https://www.homebrewcon.org/
- May want to try to get enough folks to go and represent guild
- Harry brings up topic of fundraising for charity
- Talked to ABC agent about giving Homebrew
- Fine as long as it would be a free-will offering instead of compelled like tickets
- Is there enough interest, and what location? Brewery for foot traffic?
- Suggest doing it for Resilience/Camp Fire since it’s beer related and has been issues agreeing on common charity
- Harry will continue to look into it after general agreement that it is a good idea
- Carrie brings up board meeting minutes
- Board Meeting Minutes can be posted on the Yahoo Group page, Facebook Group Page and/or the website similar to how we post monthly meeting notes.
- Meeting Minutes: Start at 4:30 pm and wrapped up at 5:45 pm
- Meeting Attendance: 25