To welcome in spring, the Star City Brewers Guild gathered in mass! Perhaps our largest meeting to date? We had 50 members, one guest and two children for a grand total of 53 people celebrating homebrew and spring! And that includes four brand new members. Please welcome Andrea & Ted A., Mike C., and Skip T.!
A hearty round of appreciation for James and Joan, opening their home to the hordes!
General Business
Treasurer’s report: Mike U. – before the start of the meeting, we had $2923.47 in the bank and 61 paid members. (Note: by the end of the meeting, we were up to 72 paid members. Please make sure you pay your 2016 dues as soon as possible! $20 for an individual, $25 for a “family” or couple. Paid membership is required for entry in competitions.)
Future meetings:
- April 17th (Sunday) – Kevin & Bailie (American IPA presentation)
- May 7th (Saturday) – Rudy & Diane (Big Brew)
- June 19th (Sunday) – Matt & Rachel (American IPA competition)
- July 16th (Saturday) – Darin P. (Historical beer presentation)
- August 20th (Saturday) – Doug & Kelleigh
- September 18th (Sunday) – Steve & Barbara (Historical beer competition)
- October 16th (Sunday) – Big Lick Brewing
- November 19th/20th – Justin & Carrie (Officer nominations)
- December 17th (Saturday) – Chaos Mountain Brewing (American barleywine competition, elections)
- Southern Hills Homebrew Supply Anniversary – Robb B.
- Robb B. thanked everyone for helping out. He had a good crowd with an interesting Q&A sessions, with Brian Wiersema (Virginia Tech), Will Landry (Chaos Mountain) and Chris Kavanagh (Parkway). Robb is looking forward to the May 21 event.
- Franken Yeast – Robb B.
- Update on that “experiment”: Robb has out of date yeast he will pitch in a 5 gallon starter and let the strong survive. He hopes to do this in the next couple of weeks and whatever lives he will share. There could end up being 2 or 3 kinds of yeast (ale yeasts, Belgians & wheats, and lager yeasts). Look for an email from him and make sure you have a clean jar or two so you can pick some up when it’s ready.
- Homebrew Con (previously NHC) – June 9-11, Baltimore
- SCBG has reserved a booth on club night
- Need brewers willing to contribute full kegs to represent the club!
- Tasting/critiquing sessions – Kathy
- Canceled the first attempt at doing this due to a lack of response. Only 3 people responded. We may try again in the somewhat near future.
- The concept is to get serious criticism and suggestions for your beer in an environment that it more formal than the meetings and less formal than submitting the beer to a homebrew competition.
- Contact Kathy if you are interested in having your beer(s) critiqued.
- BJCP training sessions – Kevin
- The first session was held on 6 March with 14 participants. They filled out a practice score sheet and sampled 5 different beers while reviewing the accompanying BJCP style guides.
- The next meeting will be 3 April (Sunday) at 3:00 at Southern Hills.
- Meetings will continue to be held on the first Sunday of each month, at Southern Hills.
- Contact Kevin in advance if you plan to attend.
- The cost for the beer samples is $5 per person, per meeting.
- Attendance is limited to paid members.
- Homebrew Demo Day – May 21st
- We will be participating in two places this year: Southern Hills and Blue Ridge Hydroponics. John B. and Harry M. are applying for the licenses.
- Help with discussions, brewing demonstrations, and pouring is needed.
- Beer donations (3-6 bottles of each beer) are greatly needed and appreciated.
- Contact John B. if you are interested in contributing time or beer.
- “Group Night” at a Salem Red Sox game – Thursday, April 21st – Harry
- The ticket order has been placed with the Salem Red Sox for the game. Names have been given to the box office and our tickets will be at will call under our names.
- For those who have not yet paid, please do so as soon as you are able.
- If others wish to join later – we may add to the order at the same price and the box office will do their best to seat them as close to the group as possible.
- Looks like we will be in Section 210.
- If you would like to join, please contact Harry.
- SCBG work shirts
- There appears to be enough interest in getting club shirts in the style of a work shirt.
- Scott A. volunteered to lead the project.
- We anticipate having the new logo in large on the back, with names over the pocket.
- If you would like to provide suggestions, please contact Scott.
- Activity volunteers
- We still have plenty of projects that need a volunteer champion!
- If you are interested in helping out the club, please contact me.
- Chaos Mountain Second Anniversary Celebration – May 14th
- Volunteers are needed.
- Each volunteer gets a t-shirt, 4 beer tickets for the day of the event and a growler fill coupon.
- If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Adam (
Irish Red Ale Competition Results
- 18 beers were judge by 12 judges at 4 tables.
- Many thanks to the judges and stewards!
- The winners were:
- 1st place: Kevin C.
- 2nd place: Rodger T.
- 3rd place: James B.
- Congratulations to the winners!
Gift Certificate Drawing
- Judges/stewards ($40 for Southern Hills) – Rudy L.
- Brewer ($40 for Blue Ridge Hydroponics) – Steve P.
50/50 Raffle
- Chuck G. won the 50/50 raffle – $66! Congratulations, Chuck!
Tech Talk
Brewing with rice – Bill M.
Due to the length of the competition and the meeting, this Tech Talk will be held at the April meeting
FastRack Speed Challenge, silent auction for FastFerment
Due to the length of the competition and the meeting, we will do these activities at the April meeting